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Can You Drink Tap Water in Lisbon?
Yes, tap water is drinkable.
Tap Safe includes data from many publicly available sources, including the WHO (World Health Organization), CDC (Center for Disease Control), and user submitted databases, but unfortunately there's not enough data about Lisbon.
To see user submitted ratings of the water quality for Portugal, see the "User Submitted Ratings" box on this page.
In general, tap water in Lisbon, Portugal, is perfectly safe to drink. The water here might be different from what you have back home. But you don’t have to worry about it, because the mineral content of the water is not what you use to have.

You don’t need to specify that you are ordering tap or bottled in the restaurant. The most restaurant doesn’t serve tap water, just like other nations like the United States.
Lisbon Tap Water
Lisbon tap water is not considered to be safe for consumption by most people. The reason why it is so is because of the number of chemicals that are in it. There have been rumors and reports of cancer, reproductive problems, and nervous disorders caused by drinking this tap water. However, these claims remain unproven. If you or someone you know has these health risks associated with their drinking water, then you should know about them and take steps to rid yourself or your family of the threat.
To help you get a grip on this, I have written this short article. I want to explain what is in the Lisbon tap water and how dangerous it is. When you take a look at the water in a bottle or a pitcher, what do you see? You probably know a lot of different ingredients like chlorine, fluoride, magnesium, and iron. Those are precisely what you will find in your tap water.
If a treatment facility services you, you are in danger of ingesting some of these toxins because they are constantly being dumped into the drainage system. When it rains, the stormwater runs off into the surrounding neighborhoods and streams and lakes. You can imagine that it can travel quite a distance before finding its way back into your tap water. As if that is not bad enough, the other unfortunate byproduct of this process is that it kills all the fish in the area, making Lisbon tap water one of the most contaminated.
Water in Lisbon
When you first hear about tap water in Lisbon, the question you ask yourself is, “Is it safe to drink from the tap?” Before answering that question, you should realize that Lisbon’s tap water has been made by the municipality (the municipal water company) for use by the general public as part of the community’s water supply. All the tap water that comes into the city is treated at a very similar plant to the way your tap water is treated at home. This treatment removes any particles, debris, rust, and other harmful pollutants in your water so that it can be used for drinking, cooking, and bathing. There is also some disinfectant added to the water so that you are protected from diseases.
It is very safe to consume tap water in Lisbon. The tap water that enters your home has gone through a complex process before reaching your kitchen or bathroom, including filtration and disinfection steps. The water that leaves your taps goes through a second filter called an activated carbon filter. This filter is designed to remove any particles, debris, and rust that could have gotten onto your faucet while it was running through your kitchen or bathroom faucets. This filter is one of the steps that ensure that when you take a shower or a bath or even splash your water, the water you are using is clean and healthy.
The quality of tap water in Lisbon is not always safe to consume. It is up to the user to take the proper precautions when it comes to using tap water. If there are any contaminants in your tap water, you should stop drinking and start washing with filtered water immediately. You should also avoid cooking with tap water unless you are using water from a purified water source. If you use contaminated water, it is essential to ensure that you dilute it to where it is safe to consume.
Lisbon Drinking Water
Lisbon is one of the cities in Portugal with the best tap water in Europe. If you plan to visit this city during vacation, you should carry some drinking water with you. You may either choose from tap water or bottled water. If you would like to have pure water to drink during your visit to Lisbon, then the best option for you is to buy bottled water. The bottle’s price depends on the gallon’s measurement, and usually, the cheaper brands have lesser quality than the expensive ones.
Many people prefer to buy pure water because they feel that tap water can be very impure and do not taste good. On the other hand, Bottled water gives the same clean and fresh taste as that of natural spring water but better quality than tap water. Most people purchase bottled water during the summer when the demand for drinking water is high, and it is common to find spring-like water wherever you go.
If you plan to buy a good bottle, you should check if the manufacturer has enough years of experience producing good drinking water. It is also essential to check the content of minerals and the content of sodium. Generally, most of the bottled water manufacturers in Lisbon include some amount of sodium in the product. This is to ensure that the water stays clean and fresh. Usually, it comes in 1 liter, and you can use it any way you want.
Lisbon Bottled Water
Lisbon bottled water is not an option but an absolute necessity if you experience this marvelous city’s natural flavor.
Lisbon bottled water is sold all over the world. These bottles are handy and practical and a great way to keep healthy and hydrated throughout the day (aside from the fact that they also look good and can be decorated). There are many different designs available when it comes to the bottles themselves, and you can even choose to have one personalized to make your experience that much more special! As with anything else related to drinking water, Lisbon tap water quality can vary quite a bit, so what you choose to put in your bottle should always be selected with a level of care. Many companies offer quality Lisbon bottled water. The quality of their products will generally measure up against those you find in other European countries, so if you think about buying some bottles for yourself, you may well be expecting a good product. Still, quality isn’t everything.
The tap water you usually get from your municipal water company is probably pretty good, but it is certainly not the ideal condition for your health. Several different companies produce Lisbon bottled water, and as you would expect from a city with such a name, you are bound to find a few excellent ones amongst the lot. You can choose to get a water filter system attached to the bottle, which means that you can make sure that you get clean, clear water without using any other carbon filter methods. This system is also helpful in ensuring that the water is free from any bacteria or other harmful contaminants that can cause damage to your health. Lisbon bottled water can give you all the confidence in the world that you need to make sure that your family always has access to pure and healthy water.
Source of Water in Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon and its water have a noble and exciting history. King João V (1689-1750) had good plans to give the public a great source of drinking water. However, the city never managed to do so till the Marquês de Pombal stepped in with their affinity for city preparation. And set into motion what would become the life source for so many Lisboetas. In 1746, the towering Águas Livres (free water) aqueduct was built and started moving water from nearby Sintra to the city of Lisbon using gravity alone.
The primary source of water in Lisbon, Portugal, comes from groundwater, and secondary will be from surface water.
Groundwater is a vital natural resource in Lisbon and mainly in Portugal, where it accounts for nearly 60% of the drinking water supplies. Thus making it a priority its protection both in quality and quantity. One of the strategies used in groundwater protection, for public water supply, is the definition of source protection zones (SPZs). These areas must be associated with other preventive practices to maintain a good quality of groundwater.
Lisbon Water Quality
Lisbon offers tourists the best water quality available in Portugal. It has been certified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as safe for consumption and is considered to meet safety standards for human consumption. Lisbon water is deemed ideal for drinking, cooking, washing, bathing, and other domestic uses. Clean and pure water is free of chemicals and contaminants from waste and municipal sources. The water has a transparent color and texture and doesn’t have a strong odor.
Lisbon water has an excellent nutrient content, which makes it an ideal option for daily use. It contains calcium, iron, manganese, and zinc, which are all essential to good health. Lisbon water is treated with chlorine to kill any bacteria and microbes in the water, which can be detrimental to your health if present. This treatment is known as deionization, and it ensures that your water remains clean and pure at all times.
You will notice that most tap water does not possess the highest quality in purity and safety. However, if you would like to use purified water for any purpose whatsoever, you should purchase Lisbon water. It is highly effective in cleaning your household and gives you clear and excellent quality water for all purposes. You will not find better options anywhere to purify your drinking water and to prepare your meals.
Lisbon Public Water
You can easily access pure water in Lisbon, Portugal, simply by having the Lisbon public water tap. It’s like having your private water outlet all right in your very own apartment. You will be surprised at how clean and fresh your drinking water will taste because all the water in Lisbon is treated and delivered in glass containers. These are labeled for easy readability, so you don’t have to worry about drinking. If you’ve never had the opportunity to taste Lisbon’s water before, you’re in for a real treat!
Drinking tap water in Lisbon is exceptionally healthy. Of course, like most things, there is always an exception. If you have health problems like HIV/AIDS or cancer, there may be some problem with your water supply, but this is usually rare. In general, most of the water you will get from your tap will have no odor, very little taste, and very few, if any, contaminants. The only thing you should watch out for is lead, as this can have serious consequences.
Lisbon municipal water supply will take care of most of your needs. This water will have no added chemicals and will be perfectly safe for human consumption. Most of the tap water that gets into your pipes will be clean, so you can trust that you won’t be ingesting anything harmful. The best thing you can do for yourself is to install an exhaust fan if your appliance uses gas to move air through the system. By keeping all your devices from using gas during the operation, you can ensure that you get the purest possible water that you can enjoy whenever you want.
Other links:

The estimated price of bottled water
$0.63 in USD (1.5-liter)
- Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility
- Water Pollution
- Drinking Water Quality and Accessibility
- Water Quality
The above data is comprised of subjective, user submitted opinions about the water quality and pollution in Lisbon, measured on a scale from 0% (lowest) to 100% (highest).
Related FAQS
Always take extra precautions, the water may be safe to drink when it leaves the sewage treatment plant but it may pick up pollutants during its way to your tap. We advise that you ask locals or hotel staff about the water quality. Also, note that different cities have different water mineral contents.
Sources and Resources
Sources Cited
Current Weather in Lisbon
LISBON WEATHERSome of the Convenience Stores in Lisbon

- Loja de Conveniência Indiano
- Late Night Shop
- Magazin Romanesc
- Don Euro
- Garrafeira de Campo de Ourique
- Saba Express
- Grab & Go
- Carlos APS
- Minimercado Meggi
- Minicampus
- Ten to ten
- BP
- Liberty Store
Estimated Price of Bottled Water
Volume | USD | EUR | GBP |
1.5 liter | $0.68 | â¬0.63 | £0.54 |