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Is Lansing Tap Water Safe to Drink?

Yes! Generally Safe to Drink*

LAST UPDATED: 7:47 pm, August 8, 2022

Table of Contents

Can You Drink Tap Water in Lansing?

Yes, Lansing's tap water is generally considered safe to drink as Lansing has no active health based violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) that we are aware of. Other factors such as lead piping in a home, or low levels of pollutants on immunocompromised individuals, should also be considered, however. To find more recent info we might have, you can check out our boil water notice page, the city's water provider website, or Lansing's local Twitter account.

According the EPA’s ECHO database, from April 30, 2019 to June 30, 2022, Lansing's water utility, Lansing Board of Water & Light, had 3 non-health-based violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act. For more details on the violations, please see our violation history section below. The last violation for Lansing was resolved on May 31, 2020. This assessment is based on the Lansing Board of Water & Light water system, other water systems in the city may have different results.

While tap water that meets the EPA health guidelines generally won’t make you sick to your stomach, it can still contain regulated and unregulated contaminants present in trace amounts that could potentially cause health issues over the long-run. These trace contaminants may also impact immunocompromised and vulnerable individuals.

The EPA is reviewing if it’s current regulations around pollutant levels in tap water are strict enough, and the health dangers posed by unregulated pollutants, like PFAS.

Water Quality Report for Lansing Tap Water

The most recent publicly available numbers for measured contaminant levels in Lansing tap water are in its 2020 Water Quality Report. As you can see, there are levels which the EPA considers to be acceptable, but being below the maximum allowable level doesn’t necessarily mean the water is healthy.

Lead in tap water, for example, is currently allowed at up to 15ppb by the EPA, but it has set the ideal goal for lead at zero. This highlights how meeting EPA standards doesn’t necessarily mean local tap water is healthy.

EPA regulations continue to change as it evaluates the long term impacts of chemicals and updates drinking water acceptable levels. The rules around arsenic, as well as, lead and copper are currently being re-evaluated.

There are also a number of "emerging" contaminants that are not currently. For example, PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), for which the EPA has issued a health advisory. PFAS are called "forever chemicals" since they tend not to break down in the environment or the human body and can accumulate over time.

We recommend looking at the contaminants present in Lansing's water quality reports, or getting your home's tap water tested to see if you should be filtering your water.

Lansing Tap Water Safe Drinking Water Act Violation History - Prior 10 Years

Below is a ten year history of violations for the water system named Lansing Board of Water & Light for Lansing in Michigan. For more details please see the "What do these Violations Mean?" section below.

From Feb. 29, 2020 to May 31, 2020, Lansing had 2 non-health based Safe Drinking Water Act violations with the violation category being Monitoring and Reporting, more specifically, the violation code was Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) which falls into the Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule rule code group, and the Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule rule code family for the following contaminant codes: TTHM, Total Haloacetic Acids (HAA5).

From Nov. 1, 2019 to Nov. 30, 2019, Lansing had 1 non-health based Safe Drinking Water Act violation with the violation category being Monitoring Violation, more specifically, the violation code was Monitoring, Routine (RTCR) which falls into the Microbials rule code group, and the Total Coliform Rules rule code family for the following contaminant code: Revised Total Coliform Rule.

Is there Lead in Lansing Water?

Based on the EPA’s ECHO Database, 90% of the samples taken from the Lansing water system, Lansing Board of Water & Light, between sample start date and sample end date, were at or below, 0.0016 mg/L of lead in Lansing water. This is 10.7% of the 0.015 mg/L action level. This means 10% of the samples taken from Lansing contained more lead.

While Lansing water testing may have found 0.0016 mg/L of lead in its water, that does not mean your water source has the same amount. The amount of lead in water in a city can vary greatly from neighborhood to neighborhood, or even building to building. Many buildings, particularly older ones, have lead pipes or service lines which can be a source of contamination. To find out if your home has lead, we recommend getting you water tested.

No amount of lead in water is healthy, only less dangerous. As lead accumulates in our bodies over time, even exposure to relatively small amounts can have negative health effects. For more information, please check out our Lead FAQ page.

Are there PFAS in Lansing Tap Water?

Currently, testing tap water for PFAS isn’t mandated on a national level. We do have a list of military bases where there have been suspected or confirmed leaks. There appears to be at least one military base - Lansing Airport Hangar - near Lansing with suspected leaks.

With many potential sources of PFAS in tap water across the US, the best information we currently have about which cities have PFAS in their water is this ewg map, which you can check to see if Lansing has been evaluated for yet.

Our stance is better safe than sorry, and that it makes sense to try to purify the tap water just in case.

Lansing SDWA Violation History Table - Prior 10 Years

Compliance Period Status Health-Based? Category Code Code Rule Code Contaminant Code Rule Group Code Rule Family Code
02/29/2020 - 05/31/2020 Resolved No Monitoring and Reporting (MR) Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) (27) Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (220) TTHM (2950) Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (200) Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (220)
02/29/2020 - 05/31/2020 Resolved No Monitoring and Reporting (MR) Monitoring and Reporting (DBP) (27) Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (220) Total Haloacetic Acids (HAA5) (2456) Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (200) Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (220)
11/01/2019 - 11/30/2019 Resolved No Monitoring Violation (MON) Monitoring, Routine (RTCR) (3A) Revised Total Coliform Rule (111) Revised Total Coliform Rule (8000) Microbials (100) Total Coliform Rules (110)

What do these Violations Mean?

Safe Drinking Water Act Violations categories split into two groups, health based, and non-health based. Generally, health based violations are more serious, though non-health based violations can also be cause for concern.

Health Based Violations

  1. Maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) - maximum allowed contaminant level was exceeded.
  2. Maximum residual disinfectant levels (MRDLs) - maximum allowed disinfectant level was exceeded.
  3. Other violations (Other) - the exact required process to reduce the amounts of contaminants in drinking water was not followed.

Non-Health Based Violations

  1. Monitoring and reporting violations (MR, MON) - failure to conduct the required regular monitoring of drinking water quality, and/or to submit monitoring results on time.
  2. Public notice violations (Other) - failure to immediately alert consumers if there is a serious problem with their drinking water that may pose a risk to public health.
  3. Other violations (Other) - miscellaneous violations, such as failure to issue annual consumer confidence reports or maintain required records.

SDWA Table Key

Field Description
Compliance Period Dates of the compliance period.
Status Current status of the violation.
  • Resolved - The violation has at least one resolving enforcement action. In SDWIS, this indicates that either the system has returned to compliance from the violation, the rule that was violated was no longer applicable, or no further action was needed.
  • Archived - The violation is not Resolved, but is more than five years past its compliance period end date. In keeping with the Enforcement Response Policy, the violation no longer contributes to the public water system's overall compliance status. Unresolved violations are also marked as Archived when a system ceases operations (becomes inactive).
  • Addressed - The violation is not Resolved or Archived, and is addressed by one or more formal enforcement actions.
  • Unaddressed - The violation is not Resolved or Archived, and has not been addressed by formal enforcement.
show details
Health-Based? Whether the violation is health based.
Category Code
The category of violation that is reported.
  • TT - Treatment Technique Violation
  • MRDL - Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level
  • Other - Other Violation
  • MCL - Maximum Contaminant Level Violation
  • MR - Monitoring and Reporting
  • MON - Monitoring Violation
  • RPT - Reporting Violation
show details
Code A full description of violation codes can be accessed in the SDWA_REF_CODE_VALUES (CSV) table.
Contaminant Code A code value that represents a contaminant for which a public water system has incurred a violation of a primary drinking water regulation.
Rule Code Code for a National Drinking Water rule.
  • 110 - Total Coliform Rule
  • 121 - Surface Water Treatment Rule
  • 122 - Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
  • 123 - Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
  • 130 - Filter Backwash Rule
  • 140 - Ground Water Rule
  • 210 - Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
  • 220 - Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
  • 230 - Total Trihalomethanes
  • 310 - Volatile Organic Chemicals
  • 331 - Nitrates
  • 332 - Arsenic
  • 333 - Inorganic Chemicals
  • 320 - Synthetic Organic Chemicals
  • 340 - Radionuclides
  • 350 - Lead and Copper Rule
  • 410 - Public Notice Rule
  • 420 - Consumer Confidence Rule
  • 430 - Miscellaneous
  • 500 - Not Regulated
  • 111 - Revised Total Coliform Rule
show details
Rule Group Code Code that uniquely identifies a rule group.
  • 120 - Surface Water Treatment Rules
  • 130 - Filter Backwash Rule
  • 140 - Groundwater Rule
  • 210 - Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
  • 220 - Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
  • 230 - Total Trihalomethanes
  • 310 - Volatile Organic Chemicals
  • 320 - Synthetic Organic Chemicals
  • 330 - Inorganic Chemicals
  • 340 - Radionuclides
  • 350 - Lead and Copper Rule
  • 400 - Other
  • 500 - Not Regulated
  • 110 - Total Coliform Rules
  • 410 - Public Notice Rule
  • 420 - Consumer Confidence Rule
  • 430 - Miscellaneous
show details
Rule Family Code Code for rule family.
  • 100 - Microbials
  • 200 - Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
  • 300 - Chemicals
  • 400 - Other
  • 500 - Not Regulated
show details

For more clarification please visit the EPA's data dictionary.

Lansing Water - Frequently Asked Questions

The BWL conducts frequent tests of the water and the following tables list parameters, even in the smallest traces, which may be associated with health, aesthetics or no established standards. Drinking water may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some parameters and this does not necessarily indicate a health risk. These tables contain the name, the highest level allowed if regulated, the ideal goals for public health if established, the amount detected and the usual sources of such parameter. The tables do not list the hundreds of parameters for which the BWL tested but did not detect a presence. Unless otherwise noted, the data presented in this table is from testing done January 1 – December 31, 2020. The BWL can monitor for certain parameters less often than once per year because the concentrations are not expected to vary significantly from year to year. While all the data are representative of the BWL’s water quality, some results are more than one year old. Key to Tables
We collected the required samples, but they were not analyzed for TTHM during the required hold time. We are making every effort to assure this does not happen again, and have collected the required follow-up samples. For more information, please contact the BWL’s Water Quality Administrator at 517-702-7059 or Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.
There is no detectable lead in BWL drinking water when it leaves our conditioning plants. However, since water is naturally corrosive, small amounts of lead can dissolve into your drinking water if your water sits for several hours in contact with household plumbing fixtures, solder or faucets. The corrosion control additive the BWL uses creates a protective coating to reduce or eliminate the risk of exposure, but the EPA recommends additional steps you can take. Arrangements can be made for water testing through your county health department and each test costs about $20. For more information about lead, please visit
To contact customer service for the Lansing water provider, Lansing Board of Water & Light, please use the information below.
By Mail: P.O. Box 13007
LANSING, MI, 48901
Already have an account?

Existing customers can login to their Lansing Board of Water & Light account to pay their Lansing water bill by clicking here.

Want to create a new account?

If you want to pay your Lansing Board of Water & Light bill online and haven't made an account yet, you can create an account online. Please click here to create your account to pay your Lansing water bill.

Want to pay without an account?

If you don't want to make an account, or can't remember your account, you can make a one-time payment towards your Lansing water bill without creating an account using a one time payment portal with your account number and credit or debit card. Click here to make a one time payment.

Starting Your Service

Moving to a new house or apartment in Lansing means you will often need to put the water in your name with Lansing Board of Water & Light. In order to put the water in your name, please click the link to the start service form below. Start service requests for water bills typically take two business days.

Start Service Form

Want to create a new account?

Leaving your house or apartment in Lansing means you will likely need to take your name off of the water bill with Lansing Board of Water & Light. In order to take your name off the water bill, please click the link to the stop service form below. Stop service for water bills requests typically take two business days.

Stop Service Form

The estimated price of bottled water

$2 in USD (1.5-liter)


Lansing tap water
  • Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility 25% Low
  • Water Pollution 38% Low
  • Drinking Water Quality and Accessibility 75% High
  • Water Quality 63% High

The above data is comprised of subjective, user submitted opinions about the water quality and pollution in Lansing, measured on a scale from 0% (lowest) to 100% (highest).

Related FAQS

Lansing Water Quality Report (Consumer Confidence Report)

The EPA mandates that towns and cities consistently monitor and test their tap water. They must report their findings in an annual Consumer Confidence Report. Below is the most recent water quality report from Lansing's Water. If you would like to see the original version of the report, please click here.

2020 Annual Water Quality Report

Issued: May 1, 2021

Lansing Board of Water & Light continues to meet or exceed all water quality standards established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE)

We are pleased to present the 23rd annual report summarizing the quality of the drinking water provided to you by the Lansing Board of Water & Light (BWL) for the 2020 calendar year. This Consumer Confidence Report is required by the Federal and State of Michigan Safe Drinking Water Acts (SDWA). This report discusses the source of your tap water, the results of tests we regularly conduct to assure the quality of your water and additional information you may wish to know about your drinking water.

As a publicly-owned utility, the BWL encourages public interest and participation in decisions affecting the community’s drinking water. The BWL’s Board of Commissioners meet on the fourth Tuesday of every other month at our REO Town Depot Facility, 1201 S. Washington Avenue in Lansing or conducted via WebEx Conferencing due to public safety concerns resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Meeting dates and times are published in advance and may be found on the BWL’s website or by calling 517-702-6006. Our board meetings are open to the public.

Dear Customer,

The last year has presented the world with challenges and caused a disruption in all of our lives, pushing us to take every precaution to ensure the health and safety of ourselves and loved ones. The BWL suspended water shut-offs during the pandemic before the state mandate to ensure customers could continue to have safe water available in their homes and businesses, and took extra measures to protect our workforce and maintain the reliability and continuity of utility services. The BWL understands the importance of having safe, affordable and reliable services during times of uncertainty. Knowing you have electricity and safe drinking water is essential.

The safety and quality of our drinking water is always a top concern, and the BWL works hard to protect our drinking water all the way from the groundwater source, to the faucets at our homes, schools and businesses. We continue to evaluate the water quality entering our water conditioning plants and in our water distribution to provide the best product to our customers. We’re diligent at maintaining and upgrading equipment at our water conditioning plants and making improvements in our water distribution system by replacing old water mains. In 2020, we replaced approximately 8,010 feet or 1.5 miles of main throughout our service territory. The BWL currently has approximately 18,900 feet or 3.5 miles of main improvements scheduled for 2021.

The BWL is confident in our water, will continue to take steps to maintain great water quality and inform our customers about the benefits of drinking from the tap.


Water Quality Administrator

Page 2

About Us

The BWL was established in 1885 by a vote of the people of Lansing to fund a publicly owned utility to meet their need for adequate fire protection, proper sanitation and improved street lighting for the city. The Lansing community and the BWL service territory have been very fortunate to be located over the center of the Saginaw Aquifer, which has been called one of the finest natural sources of groundwater ever discovered.

125 Wells ~400 ft Deep

2 Water Conditioning




ServedWholesale Population


834 Miles of

Water Mains

19.2 Million

Gallons per Day Avg. Use


BWL would like you to join us in giving a shout out to all or our water personnel who made 2020 a huge success! When presented with all of the challenges from the pandemic, BWL employees stepped up to the plate and understood the importance of continuing to provide great water to our customers. Whether working remotely from home, at the Water Conditioning Plants, out in the field on water mains, collecting water samples throughout the system, analyzing the water samples in the lab or communicating with customers, BWL employees remain dedicated to providing safe, reliable and affordable drinking water to our customers.

Table of Contents

Water Source. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Protecting Your Water Supply. . . . . . 4

Data Tables and Information. . . . . . 5

Unregulated Contaminants. . . . . . . 8

Important Information About Lead. . . . 9

Parameters of BWL Conditioned Water. . 11

Understanding Water Measurements. . .11

EPA Health Information. . . . . . . . .12

Contact Information. . . . . . . . . .12

Page 3

Water Source

BWL drinking water comes from 125 groundwater wells that are approximately 400 feet deep. The source of this plentiful supply is an underground aquifer, which underlies much of the mid- Michigan region. Water from BWL wells is transported through large transmission mains to one of two water conditioning plants.

The plants soften the water by removing about

80 percent of the hardness. The softened water is then disinfected, fluoridated, treated with corrosion control, filtered and stored in reservoirs for distribution to customers. Lansing is one of the largest communities in the country to rely exclusively on groundwater to meet its drinking water requirements.

Protect Your Water Supply

The BWL actively supports regional wellhead protection activities and has an award-winning Wellhead Protection Program. The United States Geological Survey has developed a regional aquifer computer model of the mid-Michigan area

that provides important information about the groundwater supplies. Major support for the project was provided through a state- administered wellhead protection grant to the BWL.

Lansing’s drinking water source is largely protected from contamination or direct contact with surface waters by layers of clay and shale. There are areas at the surface, however, that directly contribute to the aquifer without the protection of clay and shale layers.

In 2003, EGLE assessed the vulnerability of the aquifer to impacts from human activities. Because there are several known and potential sources of contamination in and near the BWL’s wellhead protection areas, the aquifer in this region has been assessed as “highly susceptible” to contamination. If you desire more information on this local Source Water Assessment, contact BWL’s Water Quality Administrator at 517-702-7059 or

Page 4




Typical well



depth is


400 feet


Help protect this essential resource.

Actions taken on the surface can impact the groundwater we drink.

  • Waste Disposal: Properly dispose of waste such as gasolines, oils, pesticides, paints and antifreeze. Toxic substances poured/ spilled on the ground or down a drain can contaminate the water you drink.
  • Never Flush: Many items containing toxins are non-biodegradable. They clog pipes, destroy protective bacteria and wreak havoc at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. For a complete list, visit
  • Medications: Prescription and over-the- counter drugs are NOT safe to flush. They break down in the water and wastewater treatment plants. Treatment plants are not equipped to remove them, and they end up back in our water supply. Visit egledrugdisposal to find a place to dispose of them properly.
  • Conserve: Saving water reduces energy costs and helps keep more water in our lakes, rivers and groundwater supply.

How to Read the Water Quality Data Tables

The BWL conducts frequent tests of the water and the following tables list parameters, even in the smallest traces, which may be associated with health, aesthetics or no established standards. Drinking water may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some parameters and this does not necessarily indicate a health risk. These tables contain the name, the highest level allowed if regulated, the ideal goals for public health if established, the amount detected and the usual sources of such parameter. The tables do not list the hundreds of parameters for which the BWL tested but did not detect a presence.

Unless otherwise noted, the data presented in this table is from testing done January 1 – December 31, 2020. The BWL can monitor for certain parameters less often than once per year because the concentrations are not expected to vary significantly from year to year. While all the data are representative of the BWL’s water quality, some results are more than one year old.

Key to Tables


Action Level: The concentration of a contaminant which, if exceeded, triggers treatment or


other requirements that a water system must follow.


Level 1 Assessment: A study of the water supply to identify potential problems and


determine (if possible) why total coliform bacteria have been found in our water system.


Level 2 Assessment: A very detailed study of the water system to identify potential problems


and determine (if possible) why an E. coli MCL violation has occurred and/or why total


coliform bacteria have been found in our water system on multiple occasions.


Maximum Contaminant Level: The highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking


water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment




Maximum Contaminant Level Goal: The level of a contaminant in drinking water below


which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety.


Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level: The highest level of a disinfectant allowed in drinking


water. There is convincing evidence that the addition of a disinfectant is necessary for


control of microbial contaminants.


Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal: The level of a disinfectant in drinking water


below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MRDLGs do not reflect the benefits


of the use of disinfectants to control microbial contamination.


Not Applicable


Not detectable at testing limit


Picocuries per liter (a measure of radioactivity)


Parts Per Billion, or micrograms per liter (ug/l) (equivalent to one penny in $10,000,000).


Parts Per Million, or milligrams per liter (mg/l) (equivalent to one penny in $10,000).

Page 5

2020 Regulated Detected Contaminants Tables

Substances Measured in the Distribution System

Total Coliform Bacteria

As referenced by the EPA, total coliforms are a group of related bacteria that are (with few exceptions) not harmful to humans. A variety of bacteria, parasites and viruses, known as pathogens, can potentially cause health problems if humans ingest them. The EPA considers total coliforms a useful indicator of pathogens, such as E. coli, for drinking water. Total coliforms are used to determine the adequacy of water treatment and the integrity of the distribution system.







Microbial Contaminants



Major Sources












Total Coliform Bacteria




Naturally present in the environment








E. coli




Human or animal fecal waste








Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products

The BWL adds chloramine to its water at the conditioning plants to protect against bacterial growth. Chloramine is used instead of other disinfectant options because it minimizes the number and level of chlorination byproducts, persists longer in the distribution system and leaves little or no unpleasant odor and taste. The following table lists the chloramine levels and disinfection byproducts created by the reaction of our chloramine treatment and naturally occurring organic compounds.






Highest Average

Range of

Major Sources







Detected Level

Detected Levels



Haloacetic Acids





1.3 to 3.2

By-product of drinking



water disinfection








Total Trihalomethanes





2.6 to 4.1

By-product of drinking



water disinfection















Water additive to control







0.29 to 3.1




















Substances Measured at the Water Conditioning Plant












































Major Sources




























































0.54 to





Erosion of natural deposits; water additive
















which promotes strong teeth; discharge from



































fertilizer and aluminum factories.





































































































Major Sources







Detected Level





































Radium 226








1.95+­ 0.44


0.84+0.51 to


Erosion of natural deposits.




and 228






































































































Major Sources
















(Not Regulated)




























































































99 to 100



Natural constituent of groundwater.








































Page 6




























2020 Lead and Copper – Monitoring at Customers’ Tap





9 out of 10

# of

Range of







homes were



Major Sources


Subject to AL

below a

above the






level of:

action level:






*1.3 at





Corrosion of household








0.0 to 0.0

plumbing systems; erosion of









natural deposits.









Lead service lines, corrosion








of household plumbing




at 90th




0 to 18***


including fittings and fixtures;








Erosion of natural deposits.










Water Quality Table Footnotes:

  • 9 out of 10 homes tested must show a concentration equal to or lower than 1.3 parts per million
  • 9 out of 10 homes tested must show a concentration equal to or lower than 15 parts per billion
  • One home out of 51 homes sampled showed a result at 18 ppb, the customer installed a new water heater the day prior to sampling and may have dislodged a lead particle from the water heater. A resample at the home had a 2 ppb result. All other homes sampled during compliance were between 0 and 2.2 ppb.

Important Information About Your Drinking Water

Monitoring Requirements Not Met for the Lansing Board of Water & Light

We are required to monitor your drinking water for specific contaminants on a regular basis. Results of regular monitoring are an indicator of whether our drinking water meets health standards. During May 1, 2020 to May 31, 2020, we did not correctly monitor for trihalomethanes (TTHM). Therefore, we cannot be sure of the quality of our drinking water during that time.

What should I do? There is nothing you need to do at this time. This is not an emergency. You do not need to boil water or use an alternative source of water. Even though this is not an emergency, as our customer, you have a right to know what happened and what we are doing to correct the situation.

The table below lists the contaminants we did not properly test for, how often we are supposed to sample for these contaminants, how many samples we are supposed to take, how many samples we took, when samples should have been taken, and the dates we will collect follow-up samples.


Required Sampling

Number of

When All Samples Should

Date Additional Samples Will


Samples Taken

Have Been Collected

Be Collected



2 Samples/3 Months


May 1, 2020 - May 31, 2020

Aug 1, 2020 - Aug 31, 2020






What happened? What is being done?

We collected the required samples, but they were not analyzed for TTHM during the required hold time. We are making every effort to assure this does not happen again, and have collected the required follow-up samples.

For more information, please contact the BWL’s Water Quality Administrator at 517-702-7059 or

Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.

Page 7

Unregulated Contaminants

Unregulated contaminants do not have an MCL or MCLG but are reported to and evaluated by EGLE and EPA. Monitoring helps the EPA determine which areas of the country these contaminants are being detected and to develop future regulations. As our customers, you may request the results of our tests by contacting the BWL’s Water Quality Administrator at 517-702-7059 or

The BWL monitors for Perfluorinated Compounds (PFAS), which included PFOS and PFOA, at the entry point to the distribution system annually and no PFAS has been detected.

The BWL monitored for 1,4-Dioxane, at the entry point to the distribution system in 2015 and it was detected at trace levels at our Dye Water Conditioning Plant (less than 0.2 ppb). The EPA has established a lifetime health advisory level of 200 ug/L (or ppb), and the EGLE established an action level of 7.2 ppb (consistent with the Part 201 Residential Drinking Water Cleanup Criterion). The BWL continues to monitor 1,4-Dioxane quarterly at our Dye Water Conditioning Plant so we can respond accordingly if needed.

For additional information on Contaminants of Emerging Concern, visit resource-center/contaminants-emerging-concern





Date Tested

Major Sources


Detected Level





Feb & Aug 2015

Natural constituent of groundwater





Feb & Aug 2015

Industrial activities; naturally occurring sources





Feb & Aug 2015

Industrial activities; naturally occurring sources





Feb & Aug 2015

Industrial activities; naturally occurring sources

Chromium Hexavalent




Feb & Aug 2015

Industrial activities; naturally occurring sources





Feb & Aug 2015

By-product of disinfection





Feb & Aug 2015

Industrial activities and landfills





Mar & Aug 2020

Natural constituent of groundwater





Mar & Aug 2020

By-product of disinfection





Mar & Aug 2020

By-product of disinfection





Mar & Aug 2020

By-product of disinfection

Information About Fluoride

The raw water coming into the BWL’s two water conditioning plants has a naturally occurring level of fluoride of approximately 0.35 ppm. The BWL adds fluoride to the water to bring it to the optimal level of 0.7 ppm recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Public Health Service and approved by the EPA.

As stated on the website, the “CDC monitors the public health benefits and risks of community water fluoridation from studies published by panels of experts from health and scientific fields. These reviews, conducted over many years, have concluded that water fluoridation is both safe and effective.”

Further information about fluoride in drinking water, including specific information about infants, can be obtained from the CDC website at www.cdc. gov/fluoridation

Page 8

How the BWL is Reducing Exposure to Lead in Drinking Water

The BWL follows a two-part strategy to protect its residential and commercial customers from exposure to lead leaching into drinking water. First, in December 2016, the BWL replaced its last active lead service line, joining Madison, Wisconsin as the second water utility in the nation to have removed all lead service lines. The project began in 2004 and removed 12,150 active lead service lines at a cost of $44.5 million. The BWL replaced the connection from the water main to the meter, which the BWL owns, at a home or business.

Secondly, the BWL uses a corrosion control additive to create a protective coating in the water mains, service lines and indoor plumbing. To assure that these strategies are effective, the BWL conducts daily monitoring at the plant for corrosion control concentrations and periodic monitoring in the distribution system for corrosion control, and lead and copper in the drinking water. These are just a few of the many tests performed by the BWL to assure the water remains safe.

The BWL’s compliance monitoring is every three years for lead and copper and was last sampled in June 2020.

Important Information About Lead

If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water comes primarily from materials and components associated with water service lines and home plumbing. The BWL is responsible for providing high-quality drinking water but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking.

Infants and children who drink water containing lead could experience delays in their physical or mental development. Children could show slight deficits in attention span and learning abilities. Adults who drink this water over many years could develop kidney problems or high blood pressure.

If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791) or at

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Is There Lead in My Water?

There is no detectable lead in BWL drinking water when it leaves our conditioning plants. However, since water is naturally corrosive, small amounts of lead can dissolve into your drinking water if your water sits for several hours in contact with household plumbing fixtures, solder or faucets. The corrosion control additive the BWL uses creates a protective coating to reduce or eliminate the risk of exposure, but the EPA recommends additional steps you can take.

Arrangements can be made for water testing through your county health department and each test costs about $20.

For more information about lead, please visit

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Parameters of BWL Conditioned Water

The BWL performs an average of 16,000 water quality tests per year. This table represents results of typical concentrations and ranges of other parameters present in your water supply. These results are within acceptable ranges. The results can vary depending on the wells that are in use, the time of the year and the different areas of the water distribution system. For a PDF version of this list, please visit the BWL website at and click the Typical Analysis of Conditioned Water.



Your Water Results


Typical Concentration






Calcium (as CaCO3)





Magnesium (as CaCO3)





Hardness* (as CaCO3)





Carbonate (as CaCO3)





Bicarbonate (as CaCO3)





Total Alkalinity (as CaCO3)




















Phosphate, Ortho (as P)






pH units




Total Dissolved Solids










*These parameters will typically be at the high end of the range during high demand periods in the summer months of June, July and August.

Understanding Water Measurements

Ever feel confused when reading the results presented in the data tables? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. It can be difficult to understand parts per million (ppm), parts per billion (ppb) or even parts per trillion (ppt). Some results are also measured in Metric units, which can be even more confusing. Parts per million is the same as mg/L (milligram per liter), parts per billion is the same as ug/L (micrograms per liter) and parts per trillion is the same as ng/L (nanogram per liter). Whichever way you see these results in a data table or lab report, we want to help make it a little easier to understand.

Let’s start with the largest measure typically used in water quality, parts per million, which for example, is how we measure Chlorine residuals. Here are some references that may help you visualize the scale for ppm.

One ppm is like:




• one inch in 16 miles,




• one second in 11.5 days,




• one minute in two years, or




• one penny in 10 thousand dollars ($10,000)




Now, even smaller is parts per billion.



• one inch in 15,782 miles,


This is what’s used to measure lead.




One ppb is like:




• one second in nearly 32 years,







• one minute in two thousand years, or




• one penny in 10 million dollars ($10,000,000)




Now, let’s go down to the measurement being used for the emerging




contaminant perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), parts per trillion.




One ppt is like:




• one second in 31,709 years,




• one minute in two million years, or




• one penny in 10 billion dollars ($10,000,000,000)






Page 11



General Health Information Provided by the EPA

In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, the EPA prescribes regulations which limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations also establish limits for contaminants in bottled water, which must provide the same protection for public health.

Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791).

The sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally occurring minerals and radioactive material, and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity.

Contaminants that may be present in source water include:

  • Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations and wildlife.
  • Inorganic contaminants, such as salts and metals, which can be naturally occurring or result from urban stormwater runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, mining or farming.
  • Pesticides and herbicides, which may come from a variety of sources such as agriculture, stormwater runoff and residential uses.
  • Organic chemical contaminants, including synthetic and volatile organics, which are byproducts of industrial processes and petroleum production, can also come from gas stations, urban stormwater runoff and septic systems.
  • Radioactive contaminants, which can be naturally occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities.

Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immunocompromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly and infants can be particularly at risk of infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their healthcare providers. EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection from microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791).

For more information about our water quality, please contact the BWL’s Water Quality Administrator at 517-702-7059 or water@lbwl. com. Learn more about the BWL water system at water. For more information about safe drinking water, visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at

PO Box 13007

Lansing, MI 48901



Lansing Board of Water & Light

EWG's drinking water quality report shows results of tests conducted by the water utility and provided to the Environmental Working Group by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, as well as information from the U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History database (ECHO). For the latest quarter assessed by the U.S. EPA (January 2019 - March 2019), tap water provided by this water utility was in compliance with federal health-based drinking water standards.

Utility details

  • Serves: 166000
  • Data available: 2012-2017
  • Data Source: Groundwater
  • Total: 12

Contaminants That Exceed Guidelines

  • Chromium (hexavalent)
  • Radium%2C combined (-226 & -228)
  • Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs)

Other Detected Contaminants

  • 1%2C4-Dioxane
  • Barium
  • Chlorate
  • Chromium (total)
  • Fluoride
  • Haloacetic acids (HAA5)
  • Molybdenum
  • Strontium
  • Vanadium


Always take extra precautions, the water may be safe to drink when it leaves the sewage treatment plant but it may pick up pollutants during its way to your tap. We advise that you ask locals or hotel staff about the water quality. Also, note that different cities have different water mineral contents.

Sources and Resources

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