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Can You Drink Tap Water in Jeju?
No, tap water is not drinkable.
Tap Safe includes data from many publicly available sources, including the WHO (World Health Organization), CDC (Center for Disease Control), and user submitted databases, but unfortunately there's not enough data about Jeju.
To see user submitted ratings of the water quality for South Korea, see the "User Submitted Ratings" box on this page.
Jeju Tap Water
Did you know that some tap water in the South-east of Korea comes from Jeju Island, which lies between Haeundae and Yangshuo on the other side of the country’s mainland? This is an isolated island where natural disasters are unheard of, and yet the water that spills from this Island’s tap water is perfectly safe to drink. There have been no recorded cases of sickness from drinking this water. The water is not only safe for consumption, but it also has specific medicinal properties, particularly in the areas where certain algae growth due to the presence of chlorophyll in the water.
The real problem comes when you realize that the water from the tap contains different kinds of minerals, most notably calcium and magnesium, in addition to fluoride. It also contains traces of other harmful elements, such as manganese, iron, and sodium. When these substances get mixed with the chlorophyll, they end up oxidizing and turning into dangerous compounds known as trihalomethanes or THMs. These compounds can cause severe damage to the human body over a prolonged period, leading to various organ and tissue disorders and even cancer. The studies conducted by various scientists worldwide show that there is indeed a connection between drinking this contaminated water and developing certain types of cancer.
But is it really safe to drink this tap water? Well, the answer largely depends on your position on the political spectrum. Advocates of the liberal human rights viewpoint out that everyone has the right to consume whatever he or she wants, regardless of whether these things are good for their body or not. Those who are more conservative would argue that there is nothing wrong with drinking the water, provided that one only drinks what is designated as tap water.
Jeju Water Quality
If you are looking for quality drinking water in South Korea, which has high levels of pure water, and a great tourism area, you should head to Jeju Island. This is located on the east coast of Korea, and Jeju Island has been enjoying a booming tourist industry for the past twenty years or so due to its natural and unique beauty. Unfortunately, many people suffer from toxic water because they do not know how to filter their drinking water and other municipal water supplies before using it for themselves or traveling.
The best way to ensure that your drinking water is of good quality is to purchase an eco-friendly drinking water system. These types of systems are designed to filter the water through various methods, depending on the contaminants present, and then re-circulate the clean water through your home with only filtered water coming out of each faucet. You will find that these types of purification systems can make your water look much better than it ever has before and that you will feel much healthier after taking it. The water that comes out of your kitchen tap or even your bathtub may be much more harmful to your health than water from a bottle or another type of container. Bottled water is full of chemicals and other impurities that can harm you and your family. Eco-friendly purifiers not only remove impurities but also remove bacteria and other parasites and disease-causing agents that may be present in your water supply as well.
You must research different products to find the right one for your specific situation. There are several websites online where you can read up about the various features of each type of water purifier available on the market. By doing some basic research online, you will be able to decide which drinking water filtration system is the best one for you. Once you have made your purchase and are using the purified water, you will begin to notice a difference in your overall health. The water is now much cleaner and much healthier.
Bottled Water in Jeju
There is a long, colorful history of bottled water in Korea and Japan. The first was created about 300 years ago in Japan. The Japanese called their water “Onigiri,” which literally means “fish water” because they used it to make a delicious rice soup called Onigiri. Although it came from distant lands and cultures, the concept of bottled water in Jeju is the same as that of bottled water in the United States and other parts of the world. All brands of bottled water in Jeju offer the same high quality and refreshing taste.
In ancient times, the area around Jeju Island was rich in minerals and natural beauty. It was often called the “Goddess City” because of its beautiful sandy beaches, warm water streams, and deep forests. The water flowing in from the rivers was believed to have great healing powers and many people drank it to gain health and vigor. Later, Japanese soldiers who fought against foreign troops also brought along their own brand of bottled water. They used it to keep them healthy during the battle. As a result, many people from all over Asia now drink Japanned water, calling it an authentic tasting beverage.
Nowadays, more people around the world enjoy drinking Japanned or bottling water. Some people prefer to have it only once a week while others drink it daily. Whatever people’s preference may be, one thing is for sure: no matter where you are, you can find Japanned or bottling water in Jeju. In fact, more establishments are starting to bottle water in Jeju, just like the bottled water in other parts of Jeju Island.
Drinking Water in Jeju
When the capital of South Korea, Seoul, is considered the “Wine and Food Capital” of the world, it is evident for Jeju Island residents to pack their bags to participate in this annual event. Considered one of the most ideal tourist destinations in Asia, Jeju Island is one of South Korea’s most well-developed tourist spots. The various natural features and scenic views and the bountiful supply of drinking water make Jeju a top choice among the tourists who tour the region. Known as the “Paradise of South Korea,” Jeju Island is a special place where visitors can enjoy their stay with unlimited fun and entertainment.
Most people who travel to Jeju Island would like to understand what this fantastic place is all about by drinking the refreshingly cool and refreshingly warm water. The high demand for bottled water is that people are becoming more health-conscious these days. With a growing health consciousness, more people are avoiding consuming beverages that are unsafe for the body, such as soda, juices, and other unhealthy drinks. They are gradually moving towards water and food products that are fresh, safe, and with no harmful chemicals inside them. Those people who have a genuine interest in drinking water can easily find several drinking water stations located all over Jeju Island. They also have a wide range of different water brands to choose from.
Drinking water in Jeju can be obtained from several different places, such as the hotels, restaurants, resorts, and even from the reservoirs present all around the island. Many famous hotels have their own water pipelines, which can be used whenever people need them. It is recommended that people who want to enjoy their stay at a Jeju resort or hotel should always make it a point to bring along their own water bottles.
Jeju Water
Jeju Water Park is known as one of the most beautiful and scenic tourist spots in South Korea. It attracts thousands of visitors from worldwide every year, who come here for some time. There are several tourist attractions here, which draw tourists like moths to a flame. Some attractions of Jeju Water Park include Jiri Beach, Baekdudaegan, Hyeoksi, Haenam, Dokwon, Samji Beach, Baguio, Chennai, Santhur Beach, Yeongju, Banyan Park, and Tuan Chau. This article will give you an idea about each and every attraction of Jeju Water Park.
The first attraction of Jeju Water Park is Jeju Island. It is the largest island of Jeju, situated in the Southern region of Korea. This island was discovered by foreign people in the year 2021 due to iron deposits. Several industries such as diamond mining, petroleum exploration, aluminum production, and coal mining were started from these deposits. Many tourism companies are involved in providing tourism facilities on the island, such as hotels, amusement parks, bars, restaurants, etc.
Another attraction of Jeju Island is its National Hydro Facility, which serves as a pure and clean drinking water source. The province development corporation built this hydro facility in the 1990s to provide potable drinking water all over Jeju Island. A new bridge was also built across the reservoir to increase the transportation capacity of the island. This bridge is actually connected to mainland China. Other attractions of Jeju Island include Mount Ruyang Monastery, Jeju Culture Village, Sanlitun Hotel, Dong Eui Rice Terrace, Korea Folk Festival, Jeju Science Center, Korea Mountain Tourism Organization, etc.

The estimated price of bottled water
$1.55 in USD (1.5-liter)
- Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility
- Water Pollution
- Drinking Water Quality and Accessibility
- Water Quality
The above data is comprised of subjective, user submitted opinions about the water quality and pollution in Jeju, measured on a scale from 0% (lowest) to 100% (highest).
Related FAQS
Always take extra precautions, the water may be safe to drink when it leaves the sewage treatment plant but it may pick up pollutants during its way to your tap. We advise that you ask locals or hotel staff about the water quality. Also, note that different cities have different water mineral contents.