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Can You Drink Tap Water in Jakarta?
No, tap water is not drinkable.
Tap Safe includes data from many publicly available sources, including the WHO (World Health Organization), CDC (Center for Disease Control), and user submitted databases, but unfortunately there's not enough data about Jakarta.
To see user submitted ratings of the water quality for Indonesia, see the "User Submitted Ratings" box on this page.
Jakarta Tap Water
Jakarta is a city located in Indonesia with a population of over 20 million people. Water for the city is treated and delivered from several different sources. The tap water in Jakarta is treated by chlorination, but sometimes this treatment causes some unpleasant smells. You can eliminate these unpleasant smells by ensuring that you have a quality water filter at home that can take care of your Jakarta tap water.
The Jakarta tap water does have chlorine, which is great because it keeps bacteria from growing and infecting your body. Still, when it is mixed with other chemicals, chlorine gets much more out of control. This means that you end up with unpleasant tastes and odors from your tap water. To get rid of this problem, you should install a great quality water filter at home to take care of all of these problems for you. Then you won’t have to worry about unpleasant tastes and odors any longer.
The tap water in Jakarta, Indonesia, is not safe to drink. But other inhabitants do drink the tap water after boiling. Tap water in Indonesia is not suitable for direct drinking, including hotels tap. You can use water for washing and showers. Most hotels will provide you with mineral water. We strongly advised to only drink bottled water, mineral water, or purified water that you can get from any convenience store or supermarket.

Terrible tap water does cause by household sewage, industrial effluents, agricultural runoff, and mismanaged solid waste contaminating surface water and groundwater. Indonesia ranks among the worst nations in Asia in sewerage and sanitation coverage. Some Indonesian cities possess even minimal sanitation systems.
Jakarta has 15 rivers. Unfortunately, several rivers polluted in Jakarta. Many rivers have problems with rubbish that cause the color of the water, not only cloudy and brown but unpleasant smells. Pollutants or chemicals causing water changed in color and aroma. Also, the dumping of industrial waste into the river, done by people that have no awareness to preserve the environment, throw garbage into the river. As a result, the river has become a giant rubbish bin.
There are many excellent quality water filters that you can find online that can take care of most of your Jakarta tap water problems, and they can even give you purified water right from the tap! The best way to choose the right filtration system for your home is to look at the reviews of the various products available to see what other satisfied customers think about them. You will probably find something that will work well for you in Jakarta. Just make sure that you do a bit of research before you buy your water filter!
Drink the Tap Water in Jakarta
As Jakarta gets closer to being a Muslim majority city, the government makes it easier to ensure that water supplies are safe for drinking by implementing a new law in Indonesia called the “Anti-Bacterial Water Carcinogenesis Act.” This Act bans all tap water companies from using chemicals to treat or filter the water for drinking. This will make sure that the water remains potable and safe enough for consumption by anyone. The law was implemented as a reaction to the increase in gastrointestinal illnesses caused by the use of tap water.
To enforce this Act, the head of the municipal water company must supervise and monitor all tap water plants. Any time they do not comply with the set standards, they have to pay a fine. The head of the company has also been mandated to send reports to the Ministry of Public Health every fifteen days. This would allow them to detect better any violations of the use of chemicals in their water supply. This would help them in developing improved methods of water purification. The Jakarta MPA claims that they have already implemented this law in all the water plants throughout Jakarta.
However, not all water purification systems are capable of providing safe water for drinking. Before choosing a water purification system, you should first determine what contaminants are present in your area. Only then can you choose the right filtration system to suit your needs. It is best to contact a water purification specialist, who can help you get a better idea of what your water source contains, what sort of contaminants are present in your area and what filtration method you should use to remove them. A specialist can also guide you on the best water purification system for your requirements.
Jakarta Bottled Water
Jakarta bottled water has caused quite a stir in the water community all over the world. Some say that it is inferior to tap water and that it could lead to serious health consequences for those who drink it. They say that the water tastes like ammonia and tastes terrible. It’s been reported that some locals have even lost their lives trying to get their fix of Jakarta bottled water.
Some local government officials have stated that the tap water from Jakarta is just as good or even better than that which comes from state-owned water plants. However, these statements are subject to constant verification and even questioned by other officials. One thing is for sure: there are far more complaints about insufficient tap water than there are about Jakarta bottled water. Jakarta is one of the capital cities of Indonesia, and it is supposed to be serviced by all of the significant water plants in the country; however, many of these are located in other countries, and it is not uncommon for them to misplace or mislabel the liquids that they bring in regularly.
The reason that people are so upset with Jakarta bottled water stems from the fact that they were told that the water had been filtered and purified at an impure water plant. This means that the water tastes bad and may even contain bacteria. It is also said that many of the tap water supplies around the world do not even come close to meeting the standards that the Jakarta water plant has set for itself. Many say that it is simply a cover-up to hide that the Jakarta water is harmful and could potentially harm people.
Jakarta Boiled Tap Water
Jakarta bottled water has caused quite a stir in the water community all over the world. Some say that it is inferior to tap water and that it could lead to serious health consequences for those who drink it. They say that the water tastes like ammonia and tastes terrible. It’s been reported that some locals have even lost their lives trying to get their fix of Jakarta bottled water.
Some local government officials have stated that the tap water from Jakarta is just as good or even better than that which comes from state-owned water plants. However, these statements are subject to constant verification and even questioned by other officials. One thing is for sure: there are far more complaints about insufficient tap water than there are about Jakarta bottled water. Jakarta is one of the capital cities of Indonesia, and it is supposed to be serviced by all of the significant water plants in the country; however, many of these are located in other countries, and it is not uncommon for them to misplace or mislabel the liquids that they bring in regularly.
The reason that people are so upset with Jakarta bottled water stems from the fact that they were told that the water had been filtered and purified at an impure water plant. This means that the water tastes bad and may even contain bacteria. It is also said that many of the tap water supplies around the world do not even come close to meeting the standards that the Jakarta water plant has set for itself. Many say that it is simply a cover-up to hide that the Jakarta water is terrible and could harm people.
Jakarta Drinking Water
Jakarta drinking water is being treated, or at least some of it is. This is because Jakarta is known for its notoriously smelly air. Having clean drinking water is essential in keeping your lungs as healthy as possible. But the sad news is that the tap water in Jakarta is not safe at all. There are severe problems with the water available from the tap that is causing serious concerns among residents.
It seems as if the water that comes out of the tap has quite a few additives and chemicals in it, which makes it highly questionable as to why this water is deemed acceptable by many. When you consider the amount of pollution produced across the globe daily, there can be no doubt of the importance of taking precautions. And when you take precautions for your health, you are also taking precautions for your family’s safety. Jakarta drinking water cannot be deemed safe. Those who live there need to find alternatives, precisely what the Jakarta Waterfront Management Corporation is doing.
What they have done is offer refunds on all of their tap water products. Now, this is a relatively new thing, but the results have been impressive so far. They offer replacement cartridges for your car’s water system, which will eliminate the bacteria in the water. Also, they offer refunds on all of their bottled water products and other products such as ice cream water and more. The company is looking to ensure that all of its customers are completely satisfied with their water quality, which can be said for many cities throughout the world.
Jakarta Water Quality
Jakarta water quality has long been a cause for worry among residents living nearby. It is considered to be the most polluted city in Indonesia concerning both fresh and saltwater sources. About treatment, the water is regularly tested and treated using chlorinated water. The Jakarta Water Quality Research Center (JWQC) has released data showing that since 2021, more than four hundred water quality checks were conducted by the Jakarta Water Quality Management Association (JWQMCA). During these checks, only ten out of eleven municipal water quality testing sites met standardization standards for bacterial growth, turbidity, color, and taste. This alarming situation has prompted many residents to demand better water quality standards in Jakarta.
However, the Jakarta residents are not entirely in the dark as to what they need to do to protect their health. If the municipal government would begin to implement a plan to test the water quality at the water taps before the tap water is filled on the consumers’ faucets, perhaps we could have a smaller number of problem cases. Some might say that the problem persists because it is not tested for contamination each time it is used. However, this method works; it will just require regular checkups by the water suppliers, rather than monitoring the entire city-wide basis. If this plan is implemented, however, we can expect to see much better results. For now, let us focus on how to protect ourselves from contaminated water.
The Jakarta water quality issues can be solved in many ways; however, the key is to provide education to the public about unsafe water hazards. By educating them on the importance of purification and filtering, we can significantly decrease the number of cases related to waterborne diseases. The risk of acquiring an infection from dirty water supplies cannot be ignored, especially if you are a Jakarta resident. Luckily, many companies are willing to help the community eliminate these hazardous wastes, thus contributing to Jakarta’s clean and healthy environment.
Jakarta Water Company
Jakarta water company, which is part of the PT Pangil Indonesia Corporation, has provided safe water to Jakarta residents since 2021. “Aqua America is a leading water and waste management service company that serves approximately 3 million individuals in eight counties across the United States. Customers can regularly pay their water utility bills via the internet and get frequent alerts on environmental and water quality issues in their neighborhood. In addition, customers can also get customer direct hotline services for urgent issues and free counseling,” according to the Jakarta water company’s website.
Jakarta water company offers residential customers a choice of Eco-friendly appliances and fixtures such as dishwashers, water heaters, shower enclosures, and under-the-sink water filters. They also provide “green energy” choices such as solar panels and wind generators. The company also offers bottled water. Some of the bottled products from Jakarta Water Company are Greenworks Water and the Aquaverve products.
” Jakarta water company is one of the leading water companies in Indonesia. Our company’s main focus is to offer clean, filtered and quality water to our customers and visitors in the cities of Jakarta and Putrajong. We have come up with a lot of water conservation methods that will benefit our future generations and help us in becoming a green nation. Every day we deliver clean, quality, and energy-efficient water to our clients. Our dedicated staff works diligently to maintain the highest standard of safety standards and quality control standards for all our customers,” according to the Jakarta water company’s website.
Jakarta Water Source
There is a great debate going on right now with Jakarta Waterfront regarding whether they should pollute the water source for the city. Many feel that they should, and others don’t want to see the government controlling who can or cannot make use of the water source. The military initially supplied Jakarta water during the Indonesia conquest of South East Asia in the late 1800s. Over time the port was used for military purposes as well as for public works. The last decades have seen the opening of several marinas, hotels, and businesses along the waterfront, but this has caused a significant increase in the number of people using the Jakarta water source every day.
The Jakarta waterfront is often filled with boats and large trucks, each one bringing in supplies as they drop off their loads from construction sites. This causes quite a bit of pollution along the waterfront due to the trucks’ runoff carrying waste from the building sites. Many residents also blame many cruise ships coming into the area each year for polluting the water. But with all the construction taking place, there is little doubt as to the real reason that so many of the Jakarta watercraft are dumped overboard each year.
Jakarta water is contaminated and dangerous. Many have already become ill due to the toxins that are continually dumped into the water. The Jakarta government and all political parties have been accused of negligence concerning this pollution. Still, nothing has been done to clean it up. Only time will tell if anything can be done about cleaning up the water. Until then, we must continue to use caution and not trust the Jakarta water supply completely.
The primary tap water source in Jakarta mainly comes from water purification of Citarum River and different areas outside Jakarta, such as Jatiluhur Dam. The second water source option is groundwater. Unfortunately, groundwater was not a very dependable water source for domestic needs. There is only a limited amount of groundwater in Jakarta, and to access that water for internal uses, people have to compete with the private sector that has done a significant abstraction for their industrial activity.
Wastewater- another water management issue that needs to be considered more thoroughly to a higher population density. The activity affects not only the water supply and demand but also the production of wastewater discharged to the river or open channel. There is still 75% of the remaining wastewater that remains untreated in Jakarta. However, this amount of sewage is even discharged straight into the rivers. More significant than 50% of the shallow wells have contaminated by E. coli that comes from domestic wastewater, and more than 10% of shallow wells also have contaminated by iron and manganese (Tutuko, 2002). Based on BPLHD Pollutant Index from 2004-2009, most of the river water quality in Jakarta was extremely polluted. However, from 2007 to 2008 there was a decrease in the polluted river water percentage. Generally, the river water in Jakarta remained highly contaminated.
Jakarta Groundwater
Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia and is one of the largest cities in Southeast Asia. Although it has the best quality water on earth and is one of the most livable places globally, Jakarta has one of the worst problems of all – groundwater pollution. The city is suffering from what it calls the “Jakarta Aquifer,” an aquifer that covers much of the city. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that Jakarta is surrounded by other mountains and at higher elevations.
Groundwater is the planet’s lifeblood, providing drinking water, irrigation, farming, and other uses. However, excessive use and pollution can take a toll on our environment because we cannot see the water we are using. This problem is compounded by the fact that Jakarta is prone to heavy rains that can affect the underground water table. When this happens, we may be dealing with groundwater pollution and not surface water. Groundwater pollution then becomes a significant issue that affects the environment and human health.
One way to combat the Jakarta groundwater pollution problem is by cutting down on the amount of concrete used. Another is utilizing renewable energy sources such as wind power and geothermal energy to generate electricity instead of depending on electricity generated from fossil fuels. By taking these steps, we can limit the number of pollutants that will enter the groundwater. Also, we can generate electricity using the sun, wind, or waves. These methods are environmentally friendly and will benefit the earth and its people for many years to come.
Jakarta Water Contamination
Jakarta is Indonesia’s capital and one of its most populated cities. It is located on the northwest coast of the Malay Peninsula and is surrounded by the Java and Sumatra islands. Water contamination has been a big problem in Jakarta since the time it was built. Until recently, the primary source of pollution was raw sewage. However, in recent months, this problem has gotten worse due to the large number of boats leaving the port every day.
The first thing you need to know about Jakarta water contamination is that it is a huge problem. The majority of the people in Jakarta are addicted to drinking tap water. A severe case of contamination can kill thousands of people within just a few hours. However, there is still hope because the Indonesian government is taking the steps necessary to cleanse the entire contaminated water city. There are currently over 80 water purification plants around the city that the Indonesian government has approved to purify the water.
The problem with Jakarta water contamination is that it comes from all different sources. Raw sewage, garbage, farm ponds, and factories all make their way into the city’s water supply. The problem is that all of these different sources have their way of cleaning up and getting rid of waste before they are sent to the water treatment plant. Everyone needs to be aware of the dangers of untreated water. Even if you don’t use it for drinking right now, you never know what could be lurking in our water. To be safe, whenever you go out there, bring along your container so that you know exactly where your water comes from.
Jakarta Water Supply
The Jakarta water supply was found to have very high VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), along with dangerous levels of lead and other contaminants from raw water. This is a clear sign that the Jakarta government and their community-based sanitation campaign are not doing enough to protect the people of Jakarta and other Indonesian towns and cities from the health hazards that are often associated with unsafe drinking water. Unfortunately, the Jakarta water supply has already been blacklisted by the World Health Organization. It has also been included in the list of the “most hazardous” supplies around the world. What is even more concerning is that the Jakarta water supply is also the source from which the tap water for the rest of the Indonesian population draws.
All this highlights another severe problem that is faced by the Jakarta government and its community-based sanitation campaign: namely that although they are committed to making the water available to all, the Jakarta water supply will not be able to meet the needs of the people in the short term and the long time because it simply cannot deal with the number of wastes that are dumped into it. According to the Jakarta government’s website, most of the VOCs and other contaminants are present in the untreated water because the traditional community-based waste disposal methods were not applied. The Jakarta municipal government claims that it is trying to implement a new community-based waste management program to treat all the wastes and make the water safe for drinking. However, according to the local communities and the World Health Organization representatives, this new program is not expected to be effective for the next three years. Still, only in the next five years, all the contaminated sites will have been thoroughly contaminated by then.
As the World Health Organization has shown, what works in reducing cases of cholera and other water-borne diseases is only going to be a temporary solution, as the disease itself can recur over time. Suppose nothing is done to correct the root causes of such problems. In that case, these outbreaks will become chronic, and the only solutions will be more expensive ones. The Jakarta water supply cannot be considered as an effective solution to the problems caused by poor sanitation and improper waste disposal. It is simply a short-term bandaid. It won’t do anything to help you regain your health and confidence in the management of your locality’s sanitation system.
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What do people in Jakarta think about the tap water?
Tap water is very unsafe. Bottled water is easily obtained. Ice in restaurants, lounges and hotels is usually made with filtered water.
There are three sources of tap water in Jakarta: 1) from drinking-water company, 2) from deep artesian wells, and 3) from shallow wells. Water from source #1 and #2, originally are drinkable when it leaves the source, but some pipes maybe ill-maintained. And there is no way for you to know if the source of your water is not from source #3 or not (unless if you ask). Hence, to be on the safe side, always drink bottled water, or boil your water before drinking it. Never drink tap water directly. In Depok and Bogor boiled tap water is considered drinkable, but in most areas of Jakarta, make your tea and coffee from bottled water.

The estimated price of bottled water
$0.47 in USD (1.5-liter)
- Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility
- Water Pollution
- Drinking Water Quality and Accessibility
- Water Quality
The above data is comprised of subjective, user submitted opinions about the water quality and pollution in Jakarta, measured on a scale from 0% (lowest) to 100% (highest).
Related FAQS
Always take extra precautions, the water may be safe to drink when it leaves the sewage treatment plant but it may pick up pollutants during its way to your tap. We advise that you ask locals or hotel staff about the water quality. Also, note that different cities have different water mineral contents.
Sources and Resources
Sources Cited
Traveller's Notes
Tap water is very unsafe. Bottled water is easily obtained. Ice in restaurants, lounges, and hotels is usually made with filtered water.
Current Weather in Jakarta
JAKARTA WEATHERSome of the Local Convenience Stores in Jakarta

- Indomaret
- Sagar
- Circle K
- Lawson
- Alfamidi
- Berkah
- FamilyMart
- UH Mart
- Sun Mart
- Royal Mart
- Starmart
- Shell Select
Estimated Price of Bottled Water
Volume | IDR | USD | EUR | GBP |
1.5-liter | 7476.19 | $0.53 | â¬0.48 | £0.41 |